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First Grade Challenging Math

1-41)  Fill in the blanks

          8 - __ = 3

         10 - __ = 6

         11 - __ = 6


1-42)  Fill in the blanks

        5 + __ = 9

         __ + 7 = 10

        3 + __ = 8                           



1-43)  Find at least 3 different ways to fill in the blanks. Do not use zeros.

   8 = __ + __ + __

  8 = __ + __ + __

  8= __ + __ + __


1-44)  Ms. Smith loves quilting.  She has four identical squares of fabric. She wants to use them to make a larger square.  Which one of the following 5 patterns can she NOT create?






1-45)  Calculate:

   16 - 6 - 5 =

   16 - 7 - 4 =

   11 - 4 + 8 =

   15 - 9 + 12=

   12 - 4 + 7 =


More challenging math problems for 1st grade: 
1-5  6-10  11-15  16-20  21-25  26-30  31-35  36- 40  41-45 
46-50  51-60  61-70











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