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Fifth Grade Challenging Math


5-36)   Which one of the following divisions has the smallest remainder?

       a) 316 ÷ 3
       b) 45
       c) 1002
       d) 124
÷ 6
       e) 113
÷ 5




5-37)  2 congruent right triangles fit into a 6 x 10 square cm rectangle.

a) What is the area in orange (Figure a)?

b) If the same 2 triangles are rearranged inside the rectangle, what is the area in orange in Figure b ?



5-38)  Josh is 5 feet 1 inch tall. He grows 2 inches a year in the next 4 years.  How tall will Josh be in 4 years? Answer in inches.




5-39)  Add +, -, x, ÷ and ( ) to make the equations work. There can be more than 1 solution.

3  3  3  3  3 = 0
3  3  3  3  3 = 1
3  3  3  3  3 = 2
3  3  3  3  3 = 3
3  3  3  3  3 = 4
3  3  3  3  3 = 5
3  3  3  3  3 = 6
3  3  3  3  3 = 7
3  3  3  3  3 = 8
3  3  3  3  3 = 9


5-40) What is the perimeter of the following shape?





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