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Sixth Grade Challenging Math


6-11)  Jerry's train has 4 cars of different colors; yellow, green, red and blue. How many different ways can Jerry arrange his train cars?



6-12)   A basket has 15 apples, 8 oranges and 27 plums mixed randomly. If you close your eyes and grab a fruit from the basket, what is the probability of you getting an orange?





6-13)   Calculate

           a) 35.6 x 8.9

           b) 76.32 x 2.4


6-14)   Nina has sweaters that are pink, blue, red, and gray. She has pants that are khaki, black and blue. How many different combinations of sweaters and pants can she wear?



6-15)   Use the signs “+”, “-” , “x” and/or ( ) to make the equation work. Find 2 solutions.

          1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 = 100




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