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Sixth Grade Challenging Math


6-21)   What is the surface area of the following structure made of 5 cubes glued together? The side of each cube is 1 inch. Only consider the surfaces that are not glued to another cube.




6-22)  What is the surface area of the following structure made of 8 cubes glued together. The side of each cube is 1 inch. Only consider the surfaces that are exposed.



6-23)   What are all the factors of 124?



6-24)   What three consecutive odd numbers have a product of 15525?



6-25)   Fill in the squares with single digits (1 to 9) so that the sum of the 4 numbers equals to 120.




More challenging math problems for 6th grade:
1-5   6-10   11-15   16-20   21-25   26-30   31-35  36-40  41-45  46-50  51-60  61-70  71-80



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